Our wellhead safety control system is a series of products with a number of proprietary technologies that help oilfield users to automate and intelligently manage the continuous safe production of oil and gas wells. Such a system is also a necessary wellhead production equipment for high-pressure gas wells above 70 MPa.
As an integrated electric liquefaction control system with piloted low pressure control, our wellhead safety control system is designed to be fail-safe with internal program logic to ensure opening and closing of the wellhead safety valve. It also has a complete hydraulic control circuit for the wellhead safety valve.
(SSV) and downhole safety valves (SCSSV), as well as a fusible plug circuit for safety purposes. Our wellhead safety control systems have bypass control, in-situ E.S.D. and remote E.S.D. functions. Our wellhead safety control systems are widely used in the oil and gas industry in China. We currently have a complete line of wellhead safety control systems with an annual production capacity of over 200 units for oil and gas wells with wellhead pressures ranging from 70 to 140 MPa. We believe that our wellhead safety control systems have been generally well received by our customers.
To address the issue of power accessibility in remote desert areas, the company has developed a solar-powered wellhead safety control system that uses solar energy as a power source to reduce operation and maintenance costs.
The solar power system of the Solar Wellhead Safety Control System consists of three main components: a solar module, a charge regulator and a battery. The charge regulator prevents the battery from being overloaded and eliminates the reverse current from the battery to the solar module at night, while the controller prevents over-shooting and over-discharging. The battery in the solar system stores the electricity generated during sunny days for use during rainy days or at night.
As frequent wellhead inspections are challenging in remote desert areas, wells are monitored and controlled remotely via RTUs to save manpower and material resources. The solar powered wellhead control panel has many safety measures including downhole and surface safety valves, local shutdown, remote shutdown, ESD station shutdown, fusible plug shutdown, high and low pressure pilot valve shutdown.